With the ever changing landscape we now find ourselves in, sometimes its more convenient to have online sessions even though Face2Face sessions are now also offered. Don’t let today’s current situation overwhelm you. I do online sessions anyway for some clients on a regular basis so why not get in touch.
We all live exceedingly busy lives and it seems to be getting even busier, so I think it was inevitable that, like many other things in our life, Therapy has moved online using Skype or other similar tools.
Face to face counselling may be one of the more recognised forms of treatment, but there are many forms of therapy and many different types. Counselling is totally individual and what works for one person, may not work for you. Whether you have tried face to face counselling and it wasn’t what you were after, or there are other reasons as to why you’d like to try another way, know that there are options.
Therapy is also available remotely using a similar App to , What’s App or Skype.
The sessions work in exactly the same way as traditional counselling and session format also follows the same as face to face counselling
Remote counselling can be more convenient for some people. This is especially useful if you are away on business or holiday but still wish to continue with your sessions rather than miss out for a few weeks
We can arrange sessions at a time that suits you from 8.00 am to 20.00